Reboot your life as a follower of Jesus

Discover the DNA of healthy discipleship

Does your spiritual life need a kickstart? Or do you want to step up and lead others to grow? My new book will help. It uncovers four critical parts of healthy discipleship DNA that many Christians miss, and helps you take practical steps to grow in each one of them. It will help you become the sort of follower God loves to use to build and grow his Kingdom.

The book is available NOW to buy through Amazon.

Exclusive Videos

“The 1,2,3,4 of Healthy Discipleship”

Download your free discipleship training course covering four essential aspects of being a follower of Jesus which, when combined, open up the path to healthy discipleship:

- 1 Lord: why treating Jesus as King changes everything

- 2 Priorities: discover the true purpose of life with Jesus

- 3 Ways to Build: overcome imbalance and embrace the whole of discipleship

- 4 Threads of Discipleship DNA: The CODE of a healthy spiritual life

Meet Dave

I’ve been following Jesus for over 20 years and leading, teaching and discipling others for most of that time, too. Being a disciple of Jesus is the most important thing we can do, but also one of the hardest to do well. The things I’ve discovered and captured in this book have given me the ability to weather huge storms, overcome obstacles in me and in the world, and to lead others as they follow Jesus too. When I’ve taught these things to others, it’s helped them just as much. I’m sure they will help you too.

I’m married to Natalie and have a little boy called Jed. We live in Sheffield in the UK, where I lead a church and where we are making Jesus known and living life as his disciples.


Free Discipleship Resources

Get my video series, ‘The 1, 2, 3, 4 of Healthy Discipleship’, along with your Personal Learning Journal (a companion to the book) free to your inbox when you sign up to my book community.

I look forward to you being part of the journey!