Hi. I’m Dave.

Before anything else, I’m a disciple of Jesus trying to follow him as well as I can.

I have also been in leadership roles for most of my life, helping others to grow and strengthen as disciples of Jesus. I’ve learned lots along the way, from successes and failures, from the Bible, from others who inspire me and lead me. And my book is full of those lessons.

I’m a strong believer that while God is really interested in what we do, he is even more keen on who we are, which is why the book focuses on what makes us who we are in our spiritual lives, the DNA of our discipleship. All of us can take steps to let that grow and become more healthy and what I’ve written is a guide to help you do just that.

What makes me tick?

I don’t spend all my time writing books. So here’s a little more about me.

I am married to Natalie and we have a little boy called Jed. We’ve lived in Sheffield since the summer of 2023, where I lead Pathway Church, who we love a lot! We are experimenting here with what church can look like, and what it means to put discipleship front and centre in all we do.

Before that, I have been the staff of a couple of different churches, having various roles over the years. For the last 5 years before moving to Sheffield, I was part of the senior leadership team at Gold Hill Baptist Church, where I led the preaching, teaching and discipleship ministries. It was there that the ideas in the book were first birthed.

In what free time I have, I like cooking, reading and running. I love sailing on the Norfolk Broads, and wish I could do that more often than I actually get to!

Contact me.

If you’d like to make contact, I’d be glad to hear from you. I can’t accept all invitations, but if your church would like to explore the book or to have me visit, I’d be up for a chat. I also love to hear how the book has helped and encouraged people.