What kind of person do you need to be to do the things God wants you to do?

That question is at the very heart of what it means to be a follower of Jesus. And it is the question at the heart of this book.

Following Jesus is an adventure, but most Christians feel sometimes as though they are stuck, are just going through the motions, or just aren’t very good at it. And most Christians also have times when they are on the front foot, going well with God and want to invest in stepping forward even more. I have been through both of those plenty of times in my life and in this book share things I have learned from experience, from the Bible and from leading others.

God has purposes and plans for you. But he doesn’t just want anyone to carry out those plans. He wants healthy disciples who are following him in every way he calls them to. In some words Jesus said to his first disciples (it was an instruction to go and make more disciples), we get clues about what sorts of disciples he was interested in and in this book we uncover those clues to discover and become the kinds of people we need to be to do what God wants us to do. I call this our spiritual DNA or genetic code and believe he wants to reCODE us with:


Christians today can feel under attack and as though we are losing our place in the world. But if Jesus is the rock you stand on, you’ve never been on ground that is more solid. Is it time to rediscover a deep and sure confidence in Jesus that changes everything?


If you are a Christian, you do not need to do it by yourself. Jesus promises to be with us not just as a comfort but as a source of every ounce of spiritual energy and power we need. So what does it look like to really lean on Jesus instead of rely on yourself?


Jesus is our friend, but he is also our Lord. Some of the things he calls us to might be uncomfortable or difficult, but a healthy disciple lets him call the shots and discovers the freedom that comes from that. So what does it mean to really obey Jesus?


Every day is a new opportunity to grow as a disciple as you become more experienced in following Jesus. But we can get stuck and just go on autopilot. Maybe it is time to become more intentional and make sure we are moving forward instead of staying still?

Big ideas and real life tools

This is not just a ‘how to’ book that tells you what to do. It is full of big ideas that will help you see things in new ways, catch God’s heart and see in the Bible what each element of healthy discipleship DNA actually looks like. It is grounded from beginning to end in what God has said to us through Scripture and will inspire and inform you as a disciple.

But it is also not just big ideas and abstract concepts. It gets real and each section has a ‘toolkit’ chapter, which gives real and practical steps you can take not just to understand what a healthy disciple is meant to look like, but to actually become one in your actual life.

Free Discipleship Resources

Get my video series, ‘The 1, 2, 3, 4 of Healthy Discipleship’, along with your Personal Learning Journal (a companion to the book) free to your inbox when you sign up to my book community.

I look forward to you being part of the journey!